From Col. Shawn Smith’s Presentation
Verdict of The Trial of the Machines: No Election Machine is Secure
Mike Lindell held his second, national, election-fraud summit over the weekend of August 20 & 21, 2022, in Springfield, Missouri, called the Moment of Truth Summit. Both days were live-streamed on FrankSpeech.com. It is now available there under Moment of Truth Summit in subject segments for you to watch at your convenience. There are many interesting and valuable interviews and presentations, but I’m going to list a few segments I think are very important ones that I implore you to watch, links provided. Please note that FrankSpeech is often attacked. If the link is down, just wait a while.
Col. Shawn Smith ~ Enemy Inside the Wire
I’m a retired Air Force officer and not a political person. I thought I would never have to be involved in my government again. But then I realized that government is going to do what it’s going to do, and people who want power are going to accrue it, and they will take over the government if we let them, so we all have to be involved in the government. ~ Col. Shawn Smith
The summit presentations by leading cyber-security experts are powerful, clear, concise, and convincing. The first I recommend is 28 minutes long, by retired Air Force Colonel Shawn Smith whose background is in space and missile operations and complex computer systems testing. He has seen firsthand who has invaded our networks and what they are capable of. As long as we use a computer for anything, the cyber warfare threat, states Shawn, is now until the end of time. It’s constant and relentless. And Shawn just informed me that my Dell desktop is made in China. Oh boy.
Both Dell and HP have outsourced their computers to China, where the Chinese Communist Party controls everything and everyone. Who uses Dell computers? Four of the top five voting machine vendors in the U.S. ~ ES&S (Cooke County), Dominion, Unisyn, and ClearBallot Gp. The fifth, Hart InterCivic, uses HP.
Shawn reminds us of the infamous Solarwinds attack (Texas company) in which a spurious code was inserted into their Orion product which then affected a long list of highly sensitive government agencies, including Homeland Securities’ CISA ~ Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. CISA was infected for 10 months when Mandiant FireEye Security Systems discovered the breach. Some security, eh? Feel good about that? Microsoft is one of the private companies on the infected list, and Microsoft products are on every electronic voting machine. Now that should boost your confidence.
Look at the above image showing computer components. All but the pencil image on the right are from U.S. voting systems machines. Yes, they are all full of made-in-China mother boards, various chips, modems, wi-fi doohickeys, and proprietary (you can’t look) software. Hm-m-m. Is all that really necessary just to count a few votes? Just for basic tabulation? Seriously? The Telit chip (middle top) is a 4G wireless networking chip that is installed in the ES&S 200 machines that were never tested, never certified, says Shawn.
There are people who believe electronic voting machines would be fine if only they were made in America. Shawn gives just two examples of egregious malfeasance on the part of American defense contractors, so that is not necessarily a “fix.” (You have to listen to this. You will be shocked and enraged.) He discusses much more that you need to hear. Click here and listen.
Conclusion? Complex systems will never be secure or securable. Vote Amish.
Clay Parikh ~ Electronic Voting Systems Flawed End to End
Besides being a U.S. Marine, Clay has a master’s in cyber security and is a certified hacking forensics investigator (and a long, long list of other credentials) with 19 years of experience in cyber security and 9 years in Voting System Test Labs (VSTL). Listen here. It’s only 30 minutes. Most important, says Clay, he played the “bad guy” (Threat Systems Management Office), testing information and weapons systems. He has tested all the voting machine company products. Our personal computers at home, says Clay, are more secure than all those voting systems.
Clay zeroes in on ES&S machines and their SFTP servers (secure file transfer protocol) which transmit voting data, and on the ease of cracking passwords to access the server. None, none, none of the electronic voting systems, says Clay, should ever be used. In another interview, Clay says hackers are able to “exfiltrate” data from a power cord. Who needs the Internet?
Col. John Mills ~ Reject the Thesis of the Electronic Voting Machine
John has 35+ years of national security service with the DOD. In 2006, he was chosen to lead a massive program called the comprehensive national cyber security initiative. He dealt primarily with China because, says John, China is the main game. Never forget that, he adds. And they realized the threat actors were getting into American networks.
His main point is that everything in the government and private industry has been broken into, but election machines are secure?? There’s no logical reason for us to conduct elections with machines. Give him a listen here. It’s only 22 minutes.
By the year 2010, it was becoming routine for a growing level of people, programs, companies, governments, and government agencies who knew how to break into machines on scale, at will. But election machines are secure?
He talks about the breach of the Office of Personnel Management, with China vacuuming up some 21 million records, and of Solarwinds. Then he points out and stresses that the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002 does not mandate the use of voting machines. It’s a giveaway to voting machine companies, he says, with federal money (our tax dollars) tied to incentives to use machines. Taiwan saved their elections from China with paper. France and Canada vote with paper. America can do it too.
Icing on the Cake ~ Report from Texas
The summit featured teams from every state in the Union with reports on voting fraud. Paul Parker reported on canvassing teams in central Texas, in Williamson, Travis, and Bexar Counties. One team did a random canvas, knocking on just under 10,000 doors. Some 430 voters said they voted. Their county said they didn’t. Because it was a random canvas, they were legitimately able to extrapolate to 40,000 voters. The Harris County team targeted 3,300 doors with specific parameters and concluded 49% of that vote was illegitimate.
Paul said they found problems not only in tabulators and servers, but also in poll books. In addition, he shows the suspicious results of the presidential vote in Tarrant County. For more details and commentary on all of this, listen to the 10-minute presentation here.
So, What Do We Do?
Cooke County is too small and too red to merit much in the way of shenanigans ~ yet. We actually print out paper ballots that each voter can verify, and we have some excellent people overseeing the process. But we should still make our election process as clean and tight as possible. According to all the voting and cyber security experts, we should:
- canvas the county and clean up the voting rolls
- limit mail-in ballots to the military and to identification-confirmed requests from a resident (including college students) who will be out of the county during the voting process
- limit early voting days
- encourage every registered voter to show up and vote on election day
- use only paper ballots and hand count the results at the precincts (get rid of vulnerable and secretive machines)
- no reporting of results until all results are in at the end of election day (if France can do their country in one day, we can do a county)
Results of early voting, etc., tells cheaters how many votes they need to find to do their deed.
Take a look at FrankSpeech.com and the Moment of Truth Summit. Pick and choose from a long list of testimonies and presentations, including the documentary Selection Code, about Colorado’s Mesa County elections clerk, Tina Peters.
When Senator Bob Hall came with the Grid Down Power Up documentary on August 27, he said that, if we do not take back our elections, we’re toast.