7:00 PM TO 8:30 PM

Doors Open 6:30 for visiting with speakers, information, socializing

(Special Events may be on different days and times and/or at another venue)



As of January 2022, Cooke Conservative monthly meetings are at The Fold of Grand Ave., Calvary Chapel Church, 630 N. Grand Avenue, Gainesville, TX.

Grand Avenue (N FM372) is the “main north/south drag” of Gainesville, running north and south crossing Hwy 82, on the east side of I-35. The church is on the east side of Grand, south of 82, at the corner of Grand and Belcher St., across from the Dollar General. This venue can hold up to 300 people in the sanctuary. Parking is available behind the church.

In the 1700s and 1800s, especially in Revolutionary America, political events were held in churches. Many pastors, known as the black-robed regiment, were outspoken from the pulpits. They need to be so today.

According to Cassandra Niemczyk in the December 2021 Christianity Today, at the bottom of the original Declaration of Independence, the Continental Congress ordered copies of the Declaration first be sent not to town clerks or newspapers but to parish ministers, who were

required to read the same to their respective congregations, as soon as divine service is ended, in the afternoon, on the first Lord’s day after they have received it.

“Separation of church and state” as used today is purposeful misinformation. The Constitution as written by the founding fathers is intended only to prevent the State from imposing a State Church on the citizens, as did the King with the Church of England (Anglican Church) in the 1500s and 1600s. The Pilgrims fled to the Netherlands, then to America, to escape the Church of England. If people of biblical faith in the churches and synagogues are not politically active, who with what beliefs will dominate the political life of our state and country?