Real News for Conservatives
“Someone’s Always Keeping Score ~ We Think It Ought to Be the Citizens.” Texas Scorecard is our daily online source of important articles and podcasts about Texas. It gives you the straight story on what’s really happening with the leaders and issues of Texas, through a conservative lens. Scorecard also has tools to track the voting record of your (and everyone’s) Texas legislator. Check Scorecard weekly or daily (we’re there every morning). We suggest you go here first for Texas political news. Sign up for Michael Quinn Sullivan’s Texas Minute email. Perhaps you have noticed how often we quote Scorecard. You get headlines like these:
- Wise County Republicans Formally Censure Abbott
- How Texas Government Failed to Pay Soldiers On Time
- ‘The Mind Polluters’ Exposes Schools Sexualizing Kids
- Negligent or Complicit? Abbott-Appointed University Officials Allowing Faculty to Engage in Child Mutilation Experiments
- Gov. Abbott Announces Additional Food Stamp Benefits, Despite Labor Shortage
Our leaders can’t pretend to be conservative here. Get the real scoop.
Konni Burton’s Texan News accepts no money except from subscribers. No ads. No obligations, except to truth, through a conservative lens. The low, monthly subscription is worth it. Or you can pay for an annual. Check it out. You can get enough articles for free to decide for yourself. The writing/reporting staff is absolutely excellent for both articles and podcasts. NOTE: However, their “War Room 2022” page has NOT been updated since July, so our pages and our links to Scorecard and True Texas Project are where you need to go.
* U.S. & GLOBAL *

The Gateway Pundit
For what’s really going on in America and the World, Gateway Pundit is an excellent first and daily choice. Our most quoted sources ~ Gateway Pundit and Scorecard, because they hit the important targets in the bull’s eye.
Steve Bannon’s WarRoom daily podcast brings us an array of today’s most important experts and activists for regular, short reports on vital U.S. and global issues. Bannon podcasts 2x a day, 6 days a week (off on Sunday). A devout Catholic and former deployed Naval officer, investment professional, and powerful political (Trump) advisor with graduate degrees from Harvard and Georgetown, Bannon features a daily smorgasbord of people and subjects you cannot afford to miss. Give it a listen and, most likely, you will become a devoted member of “the posse.” It’s an addiction, but an important one. Go to or find the convenient segments on Rumble.
The Epoch Times is truly epic. Launched and run by freedom-loving Hong Kong and Chinese journalists who truly understand the value of freedom (their Hong Kong office has been raided and shut down), this online and print news source is a leader in up-to-the-minute, daily articles, in-depth reporting, and eye-opening podcasts. If you want a conservative, print newspaper equal to, even exceeding, the breadth and depth of The New York Times, complete with stock ticker and market reports, get a subscription delivered to your mailbox. It goes to 36 countries in 22 languages. Keep up with U.S. and global news, including the real scoop on China from the insiders. Check it out here:
“Inside Every Progressive Is a Totalitarian Screaming to Get Out.” The online Front Page Magazine is published by the David Horowitz Freedom Center and is replete with excellent, conservative Jewish and Christian writers like Robert Spencer, Daniel Greenfield, Raymond Ibrahim (Christian news and persecution around the world), Bruce Thornton, Lloyd Billingsley, Dennis Prager, and many more. David Horowitz is the world-famous leftist who became a serious conservative, a best-selling author of many books including his multi-volume The Black Book of the American Left.