It Could End Civilization as We Know It. ~ Newt Gingrich, Grid Down Power Up documentary, 2022
AUGUST 27, Saturday morning, from 10 am to Noon, Texas State Senator Bob Hall will bring the brand-new, powerful, disturbing, yet hopeful documentary of the grid-down scenario to Cooke Conservatives, at The Fold of Grand Avenue in Gainesville. This one-hour, Hollywood-quality movie is produced and directed by David Tice, known for his Prudent Bear Fund, which accurately predicted several financial crises, and for his uplifting, faith-based film, Soul Surfer. The Grid Down Power Up documentary movie was recently debuted at the July Freedom Fest in Las Vegas. Just a few of the leading experts featured include:
- Texas State Senator Bob Hall
- Secure the Grid Coalition member, author of The Civil Defense Book, Command Sergeant Major Michael Mabee
- Center for Security Policy and the Committee on the Present Danger: China Frank Gaffney
- Director of Infrastructure Security for CSP & US Marine Corps Reserves Lt. Col. Tommy Waller
- Chief of Staff, Congressional EMP Commission and Executive Director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security and author of Blackout Warfare: Attacking the US Electric Power Grid Dr. Peter Pry
- Creator of the Joint Base San Antonio Electromagnetic Defense Initiative Lt. Col. Eddie Stamper.
If/when it happens, it’s too late: There won’t be enough money or time in the world to get it working again. ~ Dr. William Graham, Chairman of Congressional EMP Commission.
For the sake of your family’s welfare, you cannot afford to sit this one out. You need to view this production in person, then offer your questions to the expert, then engage your neighbors in conversation. We are ALL in this together, whether we like it or not. Cooke County Conservatives are stepping up to do our best to educate and activate the citizens of Cooke County (and the surrounding area). No matter how accomplished a “prepper” you are, you cannot survive this alone. We need two things: community and a plan.

Texas State Senator Bob Hall
Texas State Senator Bob Hall graduated from The Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina with a degree in Electrical Engineering and received a regular commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the US Air Force. Bob Hall was soon picked to be project manager of a crash program to harden America’s Minute Man Missile System from EMP, or electromagnetic pulse. He has been involved with this military and security challenge for decades.
Knowing the vulnerability of the U.S. Grid and the Texas Grid, the senator held hearings in 2015, 2017, and 2019 on the Grid to impress the Texas Legislature with the urgency of hardening our critical infrastructure and the solutions available ~ solutions our lawmakers and leaders have ignored for decades. Senator Hall states that…
from records obtained after the collapse of the Soviet Union and from defectors with boxes of data, we know that the Russians, Chinese, and Iranians have in their war plans a first-strike action to take down our Grid with an EMP attack. It is not speculation.
If you didn’t know about “The Grid” before last year, you certainly do now. The Snowmageddon of February 2021 brought “Grid” into every Texan’s vocabulary, in a cold, frustrating, and even deadly manner.
A weather event forecast well in advance brought Texas literally less than 5 minutes away from catastrophic failure that could have meant weeks, maybe months, without the Grid. Over just one week, the State reported 246 weather-related deaths, at least 210 related directly to the Grid. ~ CSM Michael Mabee
Less than 5 minutes ~ that’s how close we came. Months without the Texas Grid would indeed be catastrophic, but the state would at least have the support of the rest of America and probably foreign allies. However, the entire three sections of the U.S. grid is unimaginably vulnerable, thanks to irresponsible lobbyists, leaders, and legislators, and presently in grave danger of a coast-to-coast grid-down scenario, a failure that would suddenly catapult all of America back into the 1800s ~ a culture and lifestyle we as a 21st-Century nation are not prepared or equipped to handle. Only the Amish communities would have a chance of coping, and they would be under assault from a populace desperate to survive.
Because the multiple threats of extreme weather, solar EMP, nuclear EMP, cyber attack, terrorist attack, and the war plans of China, Russia, and Iran have only increased, knowledgeable and concerned experts formed the Secure the Grid Coalition and determined that a national appeal such as this documentary was needed to pressure leaders and lawmakers to embrace the solutions that exist to protect American families.
For more details and background about the various threats to the electric grid in Texas and across the country, see our QUICK GUIDE TO GRID DANGERS. Download the PDF. Share it. Print it.
Tell everyone! Exhort your family, friends, and neighbors to attend this crucial event and to get involved in the effort to harden the grid and to plan for a possible crisis. This is not just one event nor even one battle, but an ongoing war to preserve our very lives and lifestyle and, as Newt Gingrich warns, civilization as we know it. The time is NOW. Cooke County Conservatives invites everyone…
Doors open at 9:30 a.m. The event is free and casual. Kids are welcome.