The Great Rights Heist

Lose any rights lately? Unless you are a member of the particularly privileged elite, you did indeed. Tucker Carlson of Fox News fame recently interviewed Robert Kennedy, Jr. (RFK, Jr.) about his latest book, The Real Anthony Fauci. RFK, Jr., son of the former Attorney General and slain brother of President John Kennedy, has long been an outspoken advocate for vaccine-injured children, for children’s health, and for health freedom. See his website

These are some highlights from Tucker’s conversation with RFK, Jr., who is, according to Tucker,…

one of the smartest and most articulate chroniclers of the erosion of our civil liberties in this country.

As you read this, think back how, one by one, you were stripped of the Constitutional guarantees (not very guaranteed, we have discovered) spelled out in those 10 Amendments we call the Bill of Rights, in just one year. “But I have the right….!” Yeah, right.

Why We Had the Revolution, According to RFK, Jr.

We had the Revolution so we could criticize the government, explains RFK, Jr. We put that first (in the 1st Amendment), and now it’s gone. (Have you been cancelled on Facebook, Twitter? Are you aware of those currently being tortured in a Washington, D.C. jail as political prisoners?)

Then the next thing “they” came after (we’ll talk about “they” in a minute) was the other half of the 1st Amendment, freedom of religion (the free exercise thereof). They closed every church in this country, for a year, says RFK, but they kept the liquor stores open and the “essential businesses” (like the privileged, big-box stores) without any hearing, without showing any science, no discussion, no debate. The liquor stores are not in the Constitution ~ the churches are. We shouldn’t be able to close those lightly without having a debate about it. (My comment is: no closing, period, no debate.)

Then they go after property rights. They close a million businesses, without due process or just compensation. That’s a violation of the Constitution. (Ask Shelley Luther about her experience.) It’s government by diktat, says RFK. Diktat is an order or decree imposed by someone in power without popular consent. Feel familiar?

Just One Doctor Who Never Treated a COVID Patient

Amendments 3, 4, and 5 deal with personal liberties and property rights. Ask the Jan 6 political prisoners in D.C. about Amendments 6, 7, and 8, dealing with a speedy and fair trial and bail. Number 9 refers to rights not enumerated in the list. Number 10 concerns abuse by the Federal government, rights reserved by the States and the people.

So, the only one left, says RFK, is the 2nd Amendment (and the Rittenhouse trial is about undermining that right and the right to self-defense). He concludes…

We have to love our freedom more than we fear a germ.

And then he adds…

There are worse things than death. We’re lucky there was a whole generation of Americans in 1776 who said it would be better to die than to not have these rights written down. They gave us that gift of a Bill of Rights.

And in one year, at the bidding of a doctor who orchestrated fear and all the weird stuff they did with the numbers, in one year, all of those rights were taken away from us. It’s not what public health is supposed to be doing, says RFK.

Who Are “They”?

We’ll talk elsewhere about the Chinese Communist Party, the World Economic Forum globalists and transhumanists, the tech billionaires, Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and Marxist Democrats.

But who should we blame in Texas? Governor Greg Abbott and Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, who went along with the “doctor’s orders” and who failed to restrain the county and city officials who jumped at the chance to embrace their inner tyrants. And more.

TEXAS NEEDS NEW LEADERSHIP! There are six good people challenging our current leaders in the REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES. Look elsewhere on our site for their names, websites, and forums.

Pick your candidates and VOTE ON MARCH 1, 2022 in the PRIMARY ELECTIONS (early voting begins in mid-February). If you want to keep your liberties and your property, you must pick new leaders and the primaries are the place to do it.