by Shelby | Dec 6, 2023 | Judeo-Christian Heritage, Rights & Freedoms
Texas, America, Israel, the Antichrist, and the Festival of Lights
Friday, December 8, 2023, on our calendar, is Hanukkah. Israel begins their day the evening before and is also 8 hours ahead of us. If you are not aware of what happened this past October 7 in Israel, and of the current war against the Hamas terrorist army, please go to I24News and learn the truth straight from Tel Aviv and the Israelis who live the modern-day realities of ancient antisemitism. The words in your Bible will leap off the page. (more…)
by Shelby | Jul 15, 2022 | 30x30 Land Grab, Rights & Freedoms

Coming to an Acre, Pond, and Cow Near You
“There’s a what?! A land grab?!” In a word, yes, and it’s coming to federalize and lock up almost one-third of the land and water in America by the year 2030. Thus, the 30×30 “nickname” and the battle royal currently being waged by our heroes, American Stewards of Liberty, headquartered in Georgetown, Texas. Co-founder Margaret Byfield comes to Cooke County Conservatives Monday, July 18, to explain this crucial issue and tell us how to help them preserve our land, water, and liberty. (more…)
by Shelby | Dec 2, 2021 | Judeo-Christian Heritage, Rights & Freedoms

Be Happy About Hanukkah
Happy Hanukkah! You should be happy about Hanukkah even if you aren’t Jewish. This is Thursday, December 2, 2021, the fourth day of Hanukkah (or Chanukah), also called the Festival of Lights. It celebrates a ragtag band of fed-up Jews in 166 BC who “knew their God, were strong, and did exploits” (Daniel 11:32). Through guerilla warfare (think American Revolution), they defeated the Syrian division of the Greek Empire (think British Empire), restored the desecrated Jewish Temple (think religious freedom and God-given rights), and paved the way for the Gospels and Jesus. (more…)
by Shelby | Nov 25, 2021 | American Heroes, Rights & Freedoms

400th Anniversary of the Pilgrims’ First Thanksgiving Feast
The brave congregation of Puritan Separatists who had fled persecution by the King and the Church of England, sojourning some 12 years in the Netherlands, had overcome a long string of almost insurmountable obstacles to finally anchor a hired ship called Mayflower in Plymouth Bay in November 1620. They finally chose an abandoned Wampanoag settlement Captain John Smith and Prince Charles had christened Plymouth (or New Plymouth) for Smith’s 1614 map of what he called New England. (Yes, it was all named by Smith before they got there.) (more…)
by Shelby | Nov 19, 2021 | American Heroes, Kyle Rittenhouse, Rights & Freedoms

Kyle is Us
BREAKING NEWS: As I finish this blog, the brave jurors in Kenosha have found Kyle NOT GUILTY on ALL COUNTS. Praise God and pray for those jurors. Now please read this blog for more understanding of why this case is so important and why we owe so much to courageous, fellow citizens of good conscience. They are heroes.
Based on the intermittent attention I paid to the “faraway” 2020 Kenosha, Wisconsin, riots, I was pretty sure Kyle Rittenhouse was innocent and obviously going to be an object of leftist opportunity. (more…)
by Shelby | Nov 17, 2021 | COVID Plandemic, Republican Primaries, Rights & Freedoms, The Abbott Files

The Great Rights Heist
Lose any rights lately? Unless you are a member of the particularly privileged elite, you did indeed. Tucker Carlson of Fox News fame recently interviewed Robert Kennedy, Jr. (RFK, Jr.) about his latest book, The Real Anthony Fauci. RFK, Jr., son of the former Attorney General and slain brother of President John Kennedy, has long been an outspoken advocate for vaccine-injured children, for children’s health, and for health freedom. See his website (more…)