by Shelby | Dec 9, 2021 | Cooke Conservatives, State & County Elections, The Abbott Files

Conservative Watchdogs Sue TX Sec of State Over Prop 2
How could Texans be hoodwinked into voting for a tax increase?! Remember Proposition 2? That Constitutional Amendment on the ballot this past November? Cooke Conservatives and other Texas groups (we listed them) all said, “Vote NO on that!”
Fran Rhodes, president of True Texas Project, warned us that the state legislature had tried to get this passed 10 years ago, but savvy Texans then said, “No!” Why did they say “Yes” this time?? (more…)
by Shelby | Nov 9, 2021 | Cooke Conservatives

Preserving Our Traditional, American, Rural Lifestyle
If you live in Cooke County, Texas, you either have family roots here, or you moved here to enjoy a small-town and rural lifestyle that values God, family, freedom, neighbors, private property, law and order, and nature. You most probably like horses, cows, donkeys, goats, dogs, cats, chickens, crops, gardens, hay fields, and agriculture in general, and therein may lie your living or your expensive hobby. In an agricultural county, it’s impossible to deal with more than two genders. The design is obvious. It only works the way God intended. Period. Every animal knows that, and they don’t need to be taught. (more…)