by Shelby | Dec 6, 2023 | Judeo-Christian Heritage, Rights & Freedoms
Texas, America, Israel, the Antichrist, and the Festival of Lights
Friday, December 8, 2023, on our calendar, is Hanukkah. Israel begins their day the evening before and is also 8 hours ahead of us. If you are not aware of what happened this past October 7 in Israel, and of the current war against the Hamas terrorist army, please go to I24News and learn the truth straight from Tel Aviv and the Israelis who live the modern-day realities of ancient antisemitism. The words in your Bible will leap off the page. (more…)
by Calvin Tillman | Nov 2, 2023 | Property Taxes, Texas House Politics

The Largest Property-Tax Cut? Really?
It is likely that you have been told that our Texas Legislature has passed the “Largest property-tax cut in Texas history.” You will be told this by the legislators in person and through several mailers patting themselves on the back for the great job they did for you. It took them a special session to get anything done, but they did eventually pass property-tax relief. However, this was not exactly the historic moment your legislator would like for you to believe, and the tax relief was only part of the story. (more…)
by Calvin Tillman | Oct 28, 2023 | State & County Elections, Texas House Politics

A Bitter Divide ~ Grassroots vs Establishment Republicans
One does not have to look very closely to see that there is a clear and distinct divide in the Republican Party. You have the establishment or moderate Republicans, and you have the grassroots or conservative Republicans. This divide unfortunately has turned bitter at both the local and national level. This divide has been escalating. (more…)
by Richard Womack | Oct 17, 2023 | Constitutional Rights & Issues, State & County Elections
Recommendations for 2023 Constitutional Amendments
From True Texas Project and Texas House District 64 Candidate Andy Hopper, founder of Wise County Conservatives and Grassroots America We the People.
Good people disagree on several Props but this is where we have decided to stand.
Background: The process for amending the Texas Constitution starts with a two-thirds majority vote by our elected legislators: a minimum of 100 members of the House and 21 members of the Senate. Then a majority of voters must approve any measure. (more…)
by Calvin Tillman | Sep 16, 2023 | State & County Elections

The Political Trial of Ken Paxton
On September 5, 2023 the Texas Senate will begin their historic impeachment trial of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. Let me first say that I in no way am defending anything that Ken Paxton has done or has been alleged to have done. During the 2022 primary, the Cooke County Conservatives hosted an event for and fully endorsed Louie Gohmert for the Republican nominee for Texas Attorney General. In this primary, Ken Paxton won and, in the runoff with George P. Bush, Paxton received 68% of the Republican vote. Which means, in simple terms, (more…)
by Andy Hopper | Sep 17, 2022 | Constitutional Rights & Issues

“Winning” will be making the presidency and Washington, D.C., largely irrelevant to our lives.
Guest blog by Andy Hopper, co-founder of Wise County Conservatives
August 8, 2022 ~ Mar-a-Lago
With news of an unthinkable raid by America’s once-storied FBI, the eyes of even apolitical Americans were opened to the possibility that not only is our federal government not working for us, it is absolutely working against our Republic and even will target you and me as its enemies. (more…)
by Shelby | Sep 4, 2022 | State & County Elections

From Col. Shawn Smith’s Presentation
Verdict of The Trial of the Machines: No Election Machine is Secure
Mike Lindell held his second, national, election-fraud summit over the weekend of August 20 & 21, 2022, in Springfield, Missouri, called the Moment of Truth Summit. Both days were live-streamed on It is now available there under Moment of Truth Summit in subject segments for you to watch at your convenience. There are many interesting and valuable interviews and presentations, but I’m going to list a few segments I think are very important ones that I implore you to watch, links provided. Please note that FrankSpeech is often attacked. If the link is down, just wait a while. (more…)
by Shelby | Jul 15, 2022 | 30x30 Land Grab, Rights & Freedoms

Coming to an Acre, Pond, and Cow Near You
“There’s a what?! A land grab?!” In a word, yes, and it’s coming to federalize and lock up almost one-third of the land and water in America by the year 2030. Thus, the 30×30 “nickname” and the battle royal currently being waged by our heroes, American Stewards of Liberty, headquartered in Georgetown, Texas. Co-founder Margaret Byfield comes to Cooke County Conservatives Monday, July 18, to explain this crucial issue and tell us how to help them preserve our land, water, and liberty. (more…)
by Calvin Tillman | Jul 12, 2022 | Pro-Life Legislation

Seeing My Children for the First Time
One of my life’s most precious memories is the first time I got to see my children for the first time. For my biological children, this was when my wife had the first ultrasound of the pregnancy. Seeing that little peanut on the screen is something that I will never forget. I can still vividly remember the first time I heard their little hearts beating, or the image of them moving in the womb. I simply cannot understand those who would suggest that these tiny babies be killed and cut from the womb. (more…)
by Shelby | Dec 9, 2021 | Cooke Conservatives, State & County Elections, The Abbott Files

Conservative Watchdogs Sue TX Sec of State Over Prop 2
How could Texans be hoodwinked into voting for a tax increase?! Remember Proposition 2? That Constitutional Amendment on the ballot this past November? Cooke Conservatives and other Texas groups (we listed them) all said, “Vote NO on that!”
Fran Rhodes, president of True Texas Project, warned us that the state legislature had tried to get this passed 10 years ago, but savvy Texans then said, “No!” Why did they say “Yes” this time?? (more…)